Custom Services

Development of Custom Implants and Anatomical Models


Improving lives by creating modern solutions to complex cases.

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Custom Implants

Precise implant fitting is achieved by digital anatomical replication and computer aided design.

Using only a CT scan file of the patient data, the Ortho-Design™ team can develop a custom implant in line with surgeon and biomechanical specifications. The scan is processed into usable 3D data, our engineers design the implant using CAD software, whereafter state of the art additive manufacturing techniques bring it to life.

Custom Anatomical Models

3D printed anatomical models for improved procedure planning and visualization.

The Ortho-Design™ engineering team imports the patient injury data into our software to post-process and convert it into usable data. Anatomical models are 3D printed for evaluation and pre-operative planning. After surgeon confirmation, the final model is 3D printed for surgical optimization.

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We believe in applying modern engineering principles to the medical field to enable swift customization of quality patient care for improved outcomes regardless of the complexity and uniqueness of a case.

Working closely with specialized surgeons in their respective fields, allows us to offer custom design and development services to better lives. Extensive training and knowledge in the biomedical field allows us to design and develop custom implants and anatomical models. This unique service allows surgeons, even in the most complex cases, to fundamentally improve patient outcomes.

Ortho-Design (Pty) Ltd

Ortho-Design™ specializes in crafting cutting-edge medical devices for orthopaedic Sports Medicine surgeries by collaborating with surgeons globally to drive innovation in the field.




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